Parents are required to participate in sacramental preparation so that they may understand their primary role as teachers of the faith.
At least one of the Godparents must be a “fully initiated” Catholic, be at least 16 years old, and be leading a sacramental life in harmony with the Church.
The Godparent cannot be the mother or father of the child to be baptized.
Ordinarily, parents requesting Baptism of their child should be members of the parish.
To schedule an Infant Baptism with the Pastor or one of our Deacons, please contact Monica Peppler at the Parish Office.
Requirements for Children or Youth Baptism (7yrs - 18yrs):
If you desire Baptism, Eucharist or Confirmation for a child or youth who is over the age of seven or is “out of phase” with their peers, the child or youth must be initiated through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, adapted for children.
Contact Tanya Muscarella, Director of Children's Ministry for details, as each family’s circumstances are different.