Term Expires 2025 John Behrens Rocky Harvey Mike Miller Carmine Muscarella Karina Orr Steve Padilla Lisa Underwood
Term Expires 2026 Todd Alber Jakob Dwyer John Griffin Rose McAlum Karen Kirk Roles within the Pastoral Council
The pastoral council serves as a consultative body to the pastor. It needs to be made clear that the pastoral visioning and planning function of the council and the day-to-day administrative operations of the parish are two separate and distinct areas of responsibility. The pastor, parochial vicar(s), and parish staff are responsible for routine decision making which needs to take place for the parish to function efficiently and effectively on a daily basis. Daily decision making is the responsibility of those whose job description encompasses such judgments. These day-to-day operational decisions are not the responsibility of the pastoral council, whose role is to guide the community in the discernment, expression, and fulfillment of its pastoral mission.
Aside from the pastor, who serves as presider, council members serve in a variety of roles, convener, facilitator, and recorder. These council roles are performed by certain individuals for up to a two year period, lending continuity and stability to the process. The Council rotates these roles on a periodic basis. The council maintains 12 members of which six are rotates each year.